We offer a diverse range of classes designed to cater to every fitness level and goal.

From high-energy cardio sessions to strength-building workouts and rejuvenating recovery classes, our expert instructors are here to guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Still not convinced? Sign up for a free trial class!

Our Services

  • Our lift sessions feature a staple compound* strength movement that we will progressively overload in our 5 week cycles. The movements alternate Monday & Friday. This allows us to make improvements in strength, technique & muscle development over the cycle. Accompanying the main lift will be components with isolation, muscular endurance, gymnastics focused movements and/or lighter compound lifts. Expect to see improved movement quality, strength, muscle development & a leaner look.

    *Compound lifts are any strengthening exercise where you're using more than one muscle group at the same time.

  • Our all encompassing class. Expect a wide range of compound lifts, gymnastics movements, cardio machines & full body conditioning. There will be a sprinkle of explosive power development exercises and interval based training techniques. Our PeachyFIT class will have you dripping with sweat, burning hundreds of calories & wanting MORE.

  • A longer 60 minute class in a team based or high volume target system. This class is HIGH energy, higher volume and higher REWARD. It is designed to simulate similar volumes of a ‘gameday’ in recreational & professional sports. Gameday is a great way to finish out the week of training with a partner or two.

    Expect to leave the class feeling accomplished with epic endorphins.

  • A Pure Muscular PUMP & endurance class. This class is our all lifting & predominately isolation exercise loaded class.

    Think longer rest, but a greater BURN. Push your muscular endurance to the max & awaken your muscles within. Expect a development in lean muscle & reduction in body fat.